Brain booster of Ayurveda

Brainbooster of Ayurveda-2

What is Brainbooster of Ayurveda?

Brainbooster of Ayurveda is a complete study material based on new methodology. In this, the basic subjects have been presented in a very interesting way on the basis of the ancient texts of Ayurveda. Various types of puzzles, crosswords, visual cards etc are available in this course.

It is expected that you will enthusiastically support us in this effort. To take full advantage of this course, you will have to register on our website so that you can get information about new chapters on time.

You do not have to pay any kind of fee for this. It is completely free. Just apply for registration through the link given below. After successful submission  the account is activated within 24 to 48 hours. and then you can easily view any of our courses. You can easily participate in quizzes and  purchase our paid materials by using your login credentials .

Some important rules:-

It is mandatory to have a JIYOFIT ACCOUNT to participate in all competitions.

We are not charging any fee for signup.

The results of the competitions will be declared only for those participants who have participated in the competition by logging in with their account before participating.

For more information or any problem, you can message your problem with your name on 9068889100.

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About The Author:-

Vaidya Chandra Chud Mishra is known for his special approach and Clinical skills in the field of Ayurveda. He has written many articles on Ayurveda and Yoga. His books written on the subjects of Yoga and Ayurveda are very popular among students and doctors. He has extensive experience in management of life style disorders with comprehensive classical approach of Ayurveda.

He has helped many patients to successfully control diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disorders, skin disorders and obesity as per the Ayurvedic lifestyle.For the purpose of propagating Ayurveda, he has organized many camps during his student days. To make his experiences easily known to the society, he started running Jiyofit Ayurved. Apart from this, his hobby is to write regularly on various social media platforms and share content related to Ayurveda.

After completing his B.A.M.S., he participated in competitive examinations for M.D. in which he was selected in Uttarakhand Ayurveda University, MUHS, Paprola Ayurveda College under Himachal Pradesh University, and National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. He has done M.D. from National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, a leading institute of Ayurveda.

Presently he is working in the field of Nadi Vigyan, practical application of dietary principals of Ayurveda and treatment of diseases with the integration of Ayurveda and Astrology.

M.D. National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 2013

B.A.M.S. Kanpur University, Uttar Pradesh,2006

How To Connect

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Rig veda , Dayanand Samsthan, New Delhi  
Shabda kalpadrum 
Amar kosh, Pt Harigovind Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Vns 2012 
Sam Ved, Dayanand Samsthan, New Delhi  
Yajur Ved , Dayanand Samsthan, New Delhi  
Mahabharat, M.N. Dutta, Parimal Prakashan, Delhi, 1988 
Manu Smriti, Dr. R.N.Sharma,Chaukhambha Sanskrit Prakashan, Delhi, 1998
Charaka Saṃhitā,Chaukhambha Oriantalia Vns 2008
Ashtang Samgrah, Dr. R.D. Tripathi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Prakashan, Delhi,2001
Bhav Prakash, Dr.Bulusu sitaram, Chaukhambha Oriantalia Vns 2012 ,517
Sushrut Samhita, Prof. K.R. Srikant Murthy, Chaukhambha Oriantalia Vns 2000
Harit Samhita, Harihar Prasad Tripathi, Chaukhambha Krishnadas, Vns.,2009

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