Prakriti Parikshan

Ayurveda is the science of life which deals with the prevention and cure of diseases. The lifestyle disorders have emerged as a major health concern and the major cause of mortality worldwide. Few concepts of Ayurveda are described in all Samhitas for the prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases. Prakriti is one of that concept.

The word prakriti means “nature” or natural form of the build and constitution of the human body. Pra means the “beginning”, “commencement” or “source of origin” and kruthi means “to perform” or “to form”. Put together, prakriti means “natural form” or “original form” or “original source”. The disease occurs when there is a change in this original form at the psychological or physiological level. Ayurveda lays emphasis on examining the prakriti or the natural state of an individual first. While the expert in modern medicine analyses the disease, the Ayurvedic expert is also interested in the individual who is suffering from the disease

In other words, Prakriti means the manifestation of special appearances due to the predominance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). All the physiological & psychological process are directly controlled by Vata-Pitta-Kapha and Mansika Doshas thus healthy status can be maintained by maintaining regularity of Prakriti. By understanding the Prakriti we know about the strength of a person to fight with the lifestyle disorders as a person having balance in Prakriti is said to be having the best immunity and strength. Imbalance in Prakriti greatly increases the risk of lifestyle disorders. It is clear from Samhitas and research works that Prakriti and lifestyle disorders are closely connected with each other. Ayurveda has provided detail guideline in the form of Dinacharya and Ritucharya to maintain the normal balance of dosha related to specific Prakriti.

The importance of the knowledge of Prakriti of the patient for physician has been greatly described in Ayurveda. Prakriti is genetically determined and responsible for the different pattern of responses and adaptation to various conditions, susceptibility to different diseases, the pattern of their presentation, complication and the overall prognosis. By examining the constitution and temperamental features of an individual a favorable regimen for diet, season and behavior can be prescribed.

Only Ayurveda has such well develop science of individual types (prakriti) as its core wisdom that helps us to know all our individual variations, special abilities, and idiosyncrasies. Each person holds a unique constitution different from any other person. The shapes and size, temperaments and characters of people have enormous variations that must affect our health and happiness. Prakriti is one of the important examinations among dashvidha aturpariksha described by Charaka (C.Vi.8/94).


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