
Benefits of oil massage(अभ्यंग )

Benefits of Oil Massage (Sneh Abhyang[1])

Snehana or use of oil is the first and foremost procedure of panchakarma. Although snehan is wrongly referred with oil massage but it is totally different form oil massage.Though it is not included under panchakarma, yet without this procedure, any therapy can not be performed. For this reason, some specialized therapeutic procedures are grouped under the heading of purvakarma (i.e. the therapeutic procedures done prior to any prime therapy).
It can simply be defined as the procedure of oleation in which sneha is administered into the body both externally and internally to mitigate rukshata (dryness) caused by different dosha as well as to break the morbid assimilation of mala for their easier elimination.

What is sneh

Sneha: The word ‘sneha’ means fatty substances; the quality by which any powder when added with water gets conglomerated.
What is Snehana: The therapy that causes unctuousness, fluidity, softness, moistness in the body is snehana. Oral intake, massage, rubbing and effleurage, etc. by anointing oil or other fatty substances may be called as snehana.

Character of sneha (Oil):

According to ayurved Snehana karma is important both for its curative value as well as a purvakarma therapy prior to panchakarma. Without snehana and svedana, administration of panchakarma may destroy the body as a dry wood gets broken, if bent without smearing with oil.
It may act as pradhana karma when administered to pacify dosha, or to mitigate disease.The effect of snehan  upon the body is due to its some specific attributes. These are
1. Snigdha
2. Guru
3. Shita
4. Mridu
5. Drava
6. Pichchhila
7. Sara
8. Manda
9. Sukshma
Sneha basically is Vatashamaka and Kaphakara and vrishya (aphrodisiac) in nature. It is made of Prithivi and Ambu


Sneha dravya may be classified into two as per their origin (yoni bheda)
Sthavar :- Plant origin like til tail, sarsao tail.
Jangam: Animal origin like ghee

Some Other classifications and their basis are as follows.

On the basis of Karma


Rout of administration

Bahya( External)
Abhyantar (Internal)

Matra of Sneh


Mode of Administration


Sanyog of Sneh


Benefits of oil massage (Abhyang )

Abhyang improves the digestive[2] power “agni”.
It provides lightness in body.
Body is prepared for shodhan procedures with help of abhyang.
Proper abhyang enhances age.
Provides strength to body
Induces Sleep.
