
Stay Away From Stress with Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Stay Away From Stress with Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Stress is a psychosomatic disorder. It is originated by many causes. And it further develops many diseases which affect mind and body both.The stress is of two type eustress and distress. The stress originates due to stressor.A stressor the cause due to which stress originates. Anything that puts high demands on body and  forces it  to adjust can be stressful.

Understanding The Ayurvedic Concept of Stress

Although ‘stress’ cannot be correlated with any single disease mentioned in ayurveda. But various different conditions like vishad, chittaudvega are mentioned in ancient texts. Ayurveda has two main aims preventive and curative.
Principles of sadvritta, aachararasaayan , dincharya, rituchara aims at prevention of stressful conditions.
Medhya rasayana and other medhya drugs increases the threshold of a person to the various stressful conditions.
Various group of drugs like balya, jivaniya act by providing strength to both mind and body. These drugs are mostly madhur in rasa and vipak, along with snigdha guna and have adaptogenic properties. Hridya group of drugs are amla rasa pradhan and are rich source of vitamin c.

Health according to Ayurveda:

A person is called as healthy when all the three Doshas(Humors) are in equilibrium, digestion is excellent, body tissues perform their normal functions, excretory functions are perfect, having soul, sensory & motor organs , and mind in optimum happiness/health. (Su.Su. 15/48)[1]

Pathophysiology of stress according to Bhagvat Gita .

As per Gita while contemplating the objects of the senses a person develops attachment for them and from such attachment lust develops and from lust anger arises. This anger gives rise to delusion and from delusion develops bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered intelligence is lost and when intelligence is lost one falls down in material pool.

Dhyayato vishayanpunsah sangastenupjayate|Sangatsanjayate kamah kamatkrodho abhijayate||Krodhatbhavati sammohah sammohatsmriti vibhramah|Smritivibhransad buddhinaso buddhinasat pranasyati||

Mano vikaras in Ayurveda

Krodha ( anger)

lobha (greed )

chittodvega (stress)

moha (delusion)
Management of manas rogas in AyurvedaIn Ayurveda

Manaso gyan vigyan dhairya smriti samadhibhih |

1.Nidana parivarjana
2.Yukti vyapasraya Chikitsa
3.Daiva vyapasraya Chikitsa

Standard Ayurvedic Dincharya Protocol for management of stress.

Bramha muhurta Jagaran
In whole night due to less pollution , morning atmosphere is clean and we get more oxygen that is why by wake up early in the morning helps to have more oxygen for breathing .
It removes foul smell, sliminess and kapha and produces clarity, relish in food and cheerfulness.
It provides lightness in mouth and relish in food.

It makes face glowing and sense organs healthy.

Causes cheerfulness, fortune, cleanliness,lightness.
Satvik ahara

Satvik food increases the duration of life, purify ones existence , and give strength , happiness , health , and satisfaction.
Ayuh satva balarogya sukh priti vivardhanam|
Rasyah snigdhah sthira hridya aharah satvika priya||

Bathing is pleasing , excellent cleanser ,arouse all sensory and other organs.
Vastra Dharan
It wards off evil spirits, promotes ojas ,provides charm, and pleasure.
Isht Puja
It bestows fame, heaven ,longevity ,wealth and prosperity to family .
It removes fatigue and numbness.
Provides pleasure sleep and is aphrodisiac
It provides development, complexion, strength, and enthusiasm.


